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Glowing Report (77028)
Friday 09 March 2007

With the introduction of their new Glow Plug Tester (part 77028) Gunson continue to bring innovative and time saving ideas to the market first. The tester can accurately identify if a Glow Plug is not performing... read more

A Mind of It's Own (77029)
Friday 09 March 2007

Gunson further develop their impressive range of easy to use diagnostic and maintenance equipment with the introduction of their new Intelligent Memory Minder (part 77029). With the ability to maintain vital vehicle... read more

Service Reset Tool for Rover / MG (77022)
Friday 09 March 2007

The fate of Rover opens up a great opportunity for non-franchised garages to extend servicing to Rover and MG vehicles. But the right tools need to be widely available. Gunson, the diagnostic specialists, can help... read more

Increase Multi-meter Versatility with Gunson’s Accessory Set (77019)
Friday 09 March 2007

Gunson has built its reputation on automotive diagnostic tools including multi-meters and this addition to the new generation of Gunson products makes using meters easier in difficult situations. The Multi-meter... read more

Three High Tech Battery Testers from Gunson (77015/16/17)
Friday 09 March 2007

Three new, lightweight battery testers from Gunson bring the latest technology to the market. Two have built–in printers for hard copy verification and the third is a hand held digital version. The first tester (Part... read more

CAL/CAL Automatic Battery Chargers (part 77026 and 77027)
Friday 25 August 2006

Gunson Chargers for the Latest Calcium/Calcium Batteries New cars are increasingly being delivered with batteries using the latest calcium/calcium technology that demands a completely different form of battery... read more

Gunson's Key Fob Tester Cutsthe Risk of Being Stranded (77013)
Friday 14 October 2005

Is your infra-red or high frequency key fob losingpower and about to let you down? How would you know, unless you had a GunsonKey Fob Tester (Part 77013) which will check thefobs on most vehicles, as well as remotes... read more

The Versatile Gunson Polarity Circuit Tester (77001)
Monday 12 September 2005

Gunson, manufacturers of simple, effective diagnostic tools have launched a polarity circuit tester, safe for using around engine management systems. Retailing at around £9.99, it has many uses. Instantly... read more