77068 Automotive Fuse Adaptor Test Leads

This tool is for testing and measuring the amps at the vehicle’s fuseboard and is designed for use with a multimeter. Specification: 12-48volt/ 0-20amp

  • For testing and measuring the amps at the fuse board
  • Designed to be used with multi-testers
  • Specification 12-48volt/ 0-20amp
  • 750mm cable
  • Measuring Range 20A/48vDC/AC – 10sec
TSP: £14.90 ex VAT £17.88 inc VAT
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Press Release
Automotive Fuse Adaptor Test Leads

This handy tool from Gunson is for testing and measuring the amps at the vehicle’s fuseboard and is designed for use with a multi-meter

Specification: 12-48volt/ 0-20amp