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Small dents and dings on your vehicle's bodywork driving you crazy?
Solar Powered Battery Charger — an effective way to charge and maintain 12V batteries
Professionally crimp and fit classic brass bullet connectors with this two-piece set from Gunson Tools
If you’re working on your classic car you can always trust Gunson to provide the classic tools and equipment that you’ll need to do a professional job. They still stock Whitworth spanners for example! Now if you have a... read more
Traditional large waxed canvas tool roll from Gunson Tools
Practical and stylish traditionally designed leather tool roll
Easy to use static wheel balancer from Gunson Tools
Static wheel balancing. The old fashioned way. Perhaps not recommended for super-wide modern wheels and tyres, but still a valid method for the narrower wheels and tyres fitted to older and classic cars. Gunson has just... read more
Remove corrosion, clean and polish these small metal parts with this new Vibratory Tumbler Polisher
This new vibratory tumbler polisher from Gunson Tools (part number 77159) is designed to clean and polish small metal objects and other items with a rapid vibrating action. Small parts can be thoroughly cleaned and... read more
Riveting tool for hood, tonneau and yacht sail eyelet fasteners
The traditional upholstery or sail eyelet is used on many applications, from a host of different classic car models on their hoods and tonneau covers, to utility vehicle tarpaulin covers, and especially on boat and... read more